NADCP’s Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Project and the National Council for Juvenile and Family Court Judges invites you to “Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Pandemic Responses,” a two-part webinar series revisiting juvenile drug treatment court efforts one year after COVID-19 restrictions began. Webinar participants will have the opportunity to participate in a facilitated discussion with a panel of juvenile drug treatment court experts. Both events in the series will last one hour.
Session Description
This webinar series will engage juvenile drug treatment court team members in sharing and discussing alternative practices and responses developed to address challenges presented by COVID-19 restrictions. The two webinars are a follow-up to the webinars NCJFCJ and NADCP conducted in 2020.
The webinar series will focus on helping juvenile drug treatment court teams learn from each other on how they successfully adapted their processes and maintained community linkages while ensuring community safety and supporting positive youth behavior change.
This is a two-part learning series:
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