Apply Now to Help Build Recovery Capital in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts
Apply Now to Help Build Recovery Capital in Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts
Application deadline: Friday, November 20
NADCP is thrilled to announce an exciting new project to help participants and families in juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs) build recovery capital. The Adolescent Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (AROSC) Project is a multi-year endeavor for JDTCs that want to lead the field in applying the principles of recovery capital to improve operations and enhance positive youth development. This project is funded through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.
How does it work?
NADCP will select six JDTC programs to participate in the AROSC project through a competitive application process. The selected programs will be asked to re-envision operations through a recovery-oriented lens. Each team will be assigned an NADCP coach over the two-year project. Coaches will engage in site visits and support teams through training, technical assistance, strategic planning, and networking with other AROSC sites to help each court align operations with the recovery capital model.
Is my JDTC eligible?
Your JDTC is encouraged to apply if it meets the minimum criteria below:
- Has been operational for at least three (3) years
- Accepts participants diagnosed with substance use disorder
- All core JDTC team members agree to participate
- Can identify and describe local, youth-oriented recovery resources
- Has support from administration and other decision-makers
- Is willing to engage in change processes and measure outcomes
NADCP is now accepting applications, and the application deadline is November 20, 2020. Don’t wait, just six spots are available!
Apply now
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