April is Volunteer Month! 2021 Schedule of Activities

March 12, 2021
Posted in:

Volunteer Month is a nationally recognized month for nonprofits to acknowledge and thank volunteers for their efforts and to encourage further volunteerism.

We have an exciting month planned that will celebrate and recognize your efforts as dedicated volunteers, raise funds and gather applications for the SMART Recovery Training Scholarship Fund, as well as showcase the many ways we are working to better support you in growing SMART’s presence in your local community.

We are looking forward to a great Volunteer Month! Please plan to join us for the festivities.

Save the Date! Volunteer Month Kickoff Event (Volunteers Only)

This year, we will kick off Volunteer Month with a volunteer-only Town Hall event. Mark your calendars for:

Wednesday, March 31 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Employees Melina Gilbert and Molly Princic will lead the discussion, sharing information on SMART Recovery’s:

  • Appreciation for all that you do!
  • Volunteer Month 2021 plans and events
  • 2021 Training Scholarship Fund – fundraising and scholarship application process
  • Strategic Plan – upcoming presentation to the community
  • VolunteerHQ Phase 2 launch – Volunteer Resources
  • Opportunities to get more involved as a volunteer

The Zoom event is free with registration. Additional details will be released later this month.

Volunteer Month:
Special Events Calendar

Join us for these other Volunteer Month special events:

  • Fundraising to support the scholarship fund: April 1–15
  • Launch of VolunteerHQ Phase 2 (Volunteer Resources): Wednesday, April 7
  • Strategic Plan Presentation: Monday, April 12
  • Training Scholarship applications accepted: April 16–30
  • Webinar: Becoming a Volunteer: Wednesday, April 21
  • SMART Meeting Management (SMM) calls throughout the month

Looking forward to seeing you throughout the month!

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