Celebrate Veterans Day in Your Treatment Court
Celebrate Veterans Day in Your Treatment Court
Justice For Vets Veterans Day 2020 toolkit – available for download now
Veterans Day is an opportunity for treatment courts to pause and recognize the service of members of the U.S. armed forces, past and present. NADCP’s Justice For Vets assembled a toolkit full of ideas for programs to safely recognize and celebrate Veterans Day – Wednesday, November 11.
November is the ideal time for veterans treatment courts to engage their community. This toolkit contains a wealth of resources to help you plan and execute events, as well as educate your elected officials and the media. In addition, Veterans Day can bring up mixed emotions or usher in a difficult holiday season for some veterans in your program. For these reasons, we have also included tips on ensuring your staff, participants, and mentors have the support they need.
We encourage you to share what your program is doing on social media. Tag us on Twitter @Justice4Vets or on Facebook @JusticeForVets.org!
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