Exciting News for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts
Exciting News for Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts
NADCP is pleased to announce the full launch of the Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Training and Technical Assistance Program, a three-year project funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).
In partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, NADCP’s National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) will work to enhance the effectiveness and impact of juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTCs), including implementing best practices and assisting courts in building recovery capital and supports for youth and families. Our overall goal? To help JDTCs contribute to healthy youth and safer communities.Browse our new website to learn more! Check back often, as we will continually update the page with new resources, opportunities, and information.
You can request training and technical assistance (TTA) for your program! Using OJJDP’s TTA360, you can access statewide, multi-team, or single team in-person or virtual trainings. TTA360 allows you to request TTA from NADCP, NCJFCJ, or any of OJJDP’s providers.
We’ve developed a comprehensive Listserv for JDTCs. This peer-to-peer networking and information-sharing platform for court professionals will allow you to connect with the JDTC community, share ideas, and access support from experts in the field.
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