Free Webinar: Role of Probation

March 4, 2020
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NADCP is pleased to offer a free webinar on the evolving role of probation officers in treatment courts. In partnership with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President, the webinar is presented by Dr. Brain Lovins, principal for Justice System Partners.

When: Wednesday, March 11, 2:00 p.m. EST

Overview: As probation departments begin to re-evaluate their work, there is a significant shift in the role they can play on treatment court teams. Probation agencies have historically been asked to play a referee type role–monitoring the rules and conditions and blowing the whistle when observing the justice-involved individual stepping outside the lines. But there has been a recent call to transform probation officers from referees to coaches. Coaches’ role is to help their players win. To do so is to be able to assess talent quickly, design plans to help build strengths while minimizing the risks, reinforce, cheer, and hold accountable. This presentation will provide the framework for rethinking probation’s role at the table as one of coach versus referee. 

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