October 15, 2020
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Juvenile Drug Treatment Courts: Your Questions Answered

Schedule your one-on-one video conference October 26 or 27

Reserve your appointment

NADCP’s National Drug Court Institute Drug Court U is hosting virtual office hours to answer your questions on juvenile drug treatment courts! Schedule a one-on-one virtual appointment with Dr. Jacqueline van Wormer, NDCI’s director of juvenile training and technical assistance. 

Whether you have an established juvenile drug treatment court program or are looking to start one, Dr. van Wormer can help!

Reserve your appointment now! Times are limited.

Just like office hours in college, Drug Court U offers treatment court practitioners the opportunity to schedule one-on-one discussion time with experts and receive individualized, confidential instruction via video chat or conference call.

About Dr. van Wormer

Jacqueline van Wormer is the director of juvenile training and technical assistance at NADCP. Before this appointment, she was an assistant professor at Whitworth University and Washington State University. She has held various positions in the criminal justice field, including serving as the Spokane regional criminal justice administrator and as the coordinator for both the adult and juvenile drug programs in Benton and Franklin counties.

Dr. van Wormer has trained and lectured extensively on issues related to treatment courts and pretrial reform. She has worked with hundreds of planning and operational therapeutic court teams to offer technical assistance, facilitation, and training. She has also written extensively on juvenile drug treatment courts, risk/need tool development, detention alternatives, effective treatment options for offenders, and collaboration among social service agencies. Dr. van Wormer received her Ph.D. in 2010 from Washington State University. 

Graduates of the Youth Offender Court from left, Lenin Castillo, Cody Hoover, Shawn Biron, and Corey McArdle, at Las Vegas City Hall in Las Vegas, on Thursday, July 20, 2017. Erik Verduzco Las Vegas Review-Journal @Erik_Verduzco

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