June 8, 2022
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What else can we say but THANK YOU for your tireless work promoting and educating the public about your programs! The commencement ceremonies, proclamations, social media posts, and graduate success stories are what make National Drug Court Month great. Please continue to send us your artwork for our Art of Recovery contest! Here’s a small portion of all the amazing activity from week three!
U.S. Senator John Boozman encourages Arkansans
On Monday, Sen. John Boozman was the keynote speaker honoring more than 130 graduates of drug and veterans treatment courts in Benton County, Arkansas. Said Boozman, “It’s a privilege to get to partner with you on getting our family, friends, and neighbors the support and care they need in a very deliberate and effective way.”
National mentor court receives recognition 
Illinois’ Cook County Rehabilitative Alternative Probation program honored graduates and the team were honored themselves when they received their designation as a national mentor court! While he could not attend in person, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin sent a heartfelt video message to the Cook County graduates to recognize their hard work and congratulate the RAP program on its national recognition.
Detroit treatment courts graduate two dozen
Michigan’s 36th District Drug Treatment Court, also a national mentor court, had a celebration of their own: “Two dozen graduates of the 36th District Court’s specialty treatment courts received diplomas and praises for their accomplishments of overcoming their addiction and embarking on new lives.”
Veterans Affairs blog tells a recovery story
The VAntage Point blog features the recovery story of Kevin Rumley, the director of North Carolina’s Buncombe County Veterans Treatment Court. “After 10 subsequent attempts at recovery, Rumley’s doctor suggested Suboxone…’It ended up saving my life,’ Rumley attested. ‘I had ideas around me being a failure if I took medications, but my VA doctor reframed my thinking…I realized every person at VA cared for me deeply both as a veteran and as a person and truly wanted me to be healthy and whole. I started feeling necessary.”
Austin DWI court holds first in-person ceremony
Texas’ Travis County DWI Court honored graduates in person for the first time since the pandemic began. Judge Elisabeth Earle tweeted, “First in-person DWI court graduation since COVID began. DWI courts and drug courts promote accountability and provide treatment helping participants address addiction and find a better path. Saving lives and tax dollars while improving public safety.”
Family treatment court sees lives changed and families reunited
North Carolina’s 8th Judicial Family Accountability and Recovery Court recently celebrated five family treatment court graduates! “This is just one of the thousands of individual stories that demonstrate why treatment courts are so critical in the effort to address addiction and related crime.”
Headline of the week: “West Virginia adult drug treatment programs provide success that could last generations”
This in-depth article features the lifesaving work of the federal adult drug treatment court based in Clarksburg, as well as local treatment courts across the state.  “The work that we do in our treatment court represents really the very best, I think, of the judicial system, working in a collaborative way to make meaningful and effective change that’s good for the individual and the community,” said U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael John Aloi.

The post National Drug Court Month Week 3 appeared first on NADCP.org.