[Podcast] I’m Not the Go Along Guy; I’m the Self-Efficacy Guy

November 21, 2022
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Dr. Stanton Peele is a lawyer, professor, psychologist, psychotherapist, and author. Of all of these titles, he’s probably best known as an advocate and pioneer in the addiction and treatment world. His new memoir, A Scientific Life on the Edge: My Lonely Quest to Change How We See Addiction, is his 16th book that tackles addiction issues.  

In this podcast, Stanton talks about:

  • The reaction from when his first book, Love and Addiction, was published advocating a new way to conceptualize addiction
  • The possibility that Tom Brady is addicted to football and what it’s costing him
  • How people can flounder against society’s feedback
  • Addiction not being limited to substances
  • The basis of Life Process Program
  • How SMART correlates to his thoughts on addiction
  • The steps cities and states are taking to implement harm reduction
  • Not being a joiner guy, but the self-efficacy guy
  • The motivation to write his memoir
  • The need to make significant headway in the addiction world

Additional resources:

Click here to find all of SMART Recovery’s podcasts


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