Recovery Capital and Treatment Courts: A New Approach to Improve Client Outcomes

September 15, 2020
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Recovery Capital and Treatment Courts: A New Approach to Improve Client Outcomes

September 17 | 2:00 p.m. EDT 

Register Now

Join us at 2:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, September 17 to learn how you can incorporate recovery capital elements into your program to improve client outcomes. This session will:

  1. Introduce you to the concept of recovery capital, including how to assist clients in building strong personal, social, and community connections.
  2. Demonstrate how to apply the concepts in your court staffing and program.

Research shows individuals with strong concentrations of personal, social, and community capital (recovery capital) are more likely to sustain long-term recovery. Whether you work in probation, treatment, case management, or court administration, learning about recovery capital will strengthen your professional toolbox. 

Dr. Jacqueline van Wormer, an NADCP training and technical assistance director, will lead this training

More information and register

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