September 1, 2020
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Recovery is Real. Let’s Celebrate This September!

NADCP is honored to participate in National Recovery Month, held every September to educate people about how substance use and mental health services can enable individuals and their families to live healthy and rewarding lives. This observance celebrates the millions of people in recovery from mental health and substance use issues. It reminds us that behavioral health is an essential component to overall health. All month long, we’re celebrating the fact that prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover.

We hope you’ll join some of our Recovery Month activities this month!

Stories Worth Telling

NADCP wants to tell your treatment court recovery story. Help us flood social media with powerful images that capture the stories of transformation and recovery happening every day in treatment courts across the country! Learn more

Thank You Fridays

Each Friday, NADCP will release a video message of encouragement and support featuring a surprise celebrity ambassador. This videos are meant to inspire everyone participating in recovery month and we encourage you to share them far and wide!

September 9-10: Office Hours With Terrence Walton

Sign up for your chance for one-on-one office hours with NADCP COO Terrence Walton to discuss all things treatment and recovery. Register now

September 17: Recovery Capital Webinar and Treatment Courts

In this webinar, NDCI Juvenile TTA Director Jacqueline van Wormer will introduce and define the concept of recovery capital, with a specific focus on how court teams can apply the recovery capital framework to staffing and case management. Register

September 22: Peer Recovery Webinar

In this webinar, Recovery Alliance Duluth Co-Founder Beth Elstad and NCDC Project Director Julie Seitz will cover the fundamentals of peer-based recovery support services, and the need to shift from an acute care model to a recovery-oriented system of care. Register

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