Referrals: It’s All About Trust

March 16, 2022
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It’s not uncommon in today’s medical field to go to your family practitioner for a problem only to leave with a referral to visit a specialist rather than solve the problem right then and there. Let’s consider the value of referrals, especially when it comes to finding the best treatment program for alcohol or drug addiction.


Fellowship Hall has been providing an effective alcohol and drug treatment program for 50 years. Our program has been effective because we take the time to consult with each potential guest to discern the best possible treatment option for that individual. We receive referrals from other counselors, doctors, and other treatment centers who trust us to provide the best possible care to those who are referred. Likewise, we refer guests out to other centers and counselors we trust to provide the highest quality care for the individual, based on their specific needs.

Every individual is unique and often, there’s a complicated back-story related to substance use. Fellowship Hall works with each potential guest to determine the absolute best treatment for them – and sometimes, that means referring the individual to another treatment program that is better equipped to meet their needs.

Being referred to another treatment provider can be frustrating, particularly when you’ve done your research and selected the treatment program that you believe is the best option for you.

At Fellowship Hall, our goal is to help our guests achieve the best, most effective level of care that fits their specific needs – sometimes that means we must refer someone to another treatment center. Sometimes that means that someone is referred to Fellowship Hal from another treatment center. Referrals are an integral part of connecting individuals to effective treatment.

Why refer to a different provider? At Fellowship Hall, the most common reasons for referring an individual to another treatment facility are related to medical or behavior conditions, such as:

  • The need for specialized medical care for conditions that Fellowship Hall is not equipped to treat
  • Psychological conditions (eating disorder, active self-harm, etc.) which indicate the need for 24-hour monitoring
  • Inability to actively participate in our treatment program due to mobility, language barriers, or other traditions that prevent active engagement in the program

Oftentimes, barriers to care can be minimized or eliminated through proper referral to a treatment center that is equipped to meet the individual’s needs. Fellowship Hall works to ensure that the receiving facility where we may refer an individual to adheres to the highest of standards.

Our role is to provide individuals with the very best care; sometimes, that means referring an individual to a treatment center that is better prepared and able to provide the best care based on the individual’s specific needs.

Guests and their family members are an integral part of their individualized treatment plan. Any questions you may have — about treatment in general and referrals in particular — should be directed to our Admissions Staff. Understanding the reasoning behind a referral offers clarity and peace of mind.



For more information, resources, and encouragement, “like” the Fellowship Hall Facebook page and follow us on Instagram at @FellowshipHallNC.

About Fellowship Hall

For 50 years, Fellowship Hall has been saving lives. We are a 99-bed, private, not-for-profit alcohol and drug treatment center located on 120 tranquil acres in Greensboro, N.C. We provide treatment and evidence-based programs built upon the Twelve-Step model of recovery. We have been accredited by The Joint Commission since 1974 as a specialty hospital and are a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers. We are committed to providing exceptional, compassionate care to every individual we serve.

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