It seems that during recent years, within the substance use disorder arena, there has been a trend toward changing views about: substance use, sobriety, abstinence, the harms of use, harm reduction, recovery, pathways of personal improvement, problematic use, and addiction illness itself.
While advancements, improvements, and innovations are welcome, what should be preserved?
And how can one go about guiding change or the process of development within our various systems?
In this essay concerning the substance use disorder sector, I will:
Priorities in the direction we are heading
We seem to be moving toward:
Four Pests
Meanwhile, we seem to be moving incrementally toward deciding four particular things are pests.
photo by Laitche
I have two questions for the reader to consider:
Concerning the priorities and directions I noted above, I have three cautionary thoughts to offer. We could hold the considerations I will provide as thoughts, or as questions. We could use them for the purpose of helping us guide both overall change and the process of development within our various systems.
Three Cautionary Thoughts
I ask the reader: “What of our existing SUD structures, habitats, and other resources worth preserving?”
A Personal Note of Historical Reflection
I grew up in Hong Kong in the 1970’s. During most of my time living in HK the ruler of China was Mao.
During my childhood I heard many first-hand accounts of the “Four Pests” or “Four Enemies” Campaign. The amazing accounts I heard centered on the giant magnitude of the:
What was the “Four Pests Campaign”?
The Four Pests Campaign was one of the first actions taken in the Great Leap Forward in China from 1958 to 1962. The four pests to be eliminated were rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of sparrows is also known as Smash Sparrows Campaign or Eliminate Sparrows Campaign which resulted in severe ecological imbalance, being one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine. In 1960, Mao Zedong ended the campaign against sparrows and redirected the fourth focus to bed bugs.
By April 1960, Chinese leaders changed their opinion due to the influence of ornithologist Tso-hsin Cheng who pointed out that sparrows ate a large number of insects, as well as grains. Rather than being increased, rice yields after the campaign were substantially decreased. Mao ordered the end of the campaign against sparrows, replacing them with bed bugs, as the extermination of sparrows upset the ecological balance, and insects destroyed crops as a result of the absence of natural predators.
By this time, however, it was too late. With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides. Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine, in which 15–45 million people died of starvation. The Chinese government eventually resorted to importing 250,000 sparrows from the Soviet Union to replenish the population.17
photo by Andreas Trepte
While preparing this blog post, I did a Google search of the term “Four Pests Campaign”. One of the very first results was the National Library of Medicine at the NIH. Below I added their entire verbatim entry for the “Four Pests Campaign”. Here it is:
HEALTH FOR THE PEOPLE: Continuity and Change in Asian Medicine. Beginning in the 1950’s, the Chinese state mounted the Patriotic Health Campaigns to improve sanitation and public health. In 1958 the campaigns focused on “the four pests”: rats, sparrows, flies and mosquitoes. Later sparrows were removed from the list, and fleas and lice were added. Snails were particularly targeted for eradication because they carried the debilitating disease of schistosomiasis. In addition to spreading disease, these vermin also ate food, chewed electrical wires, and thus disrupted the social fabric that Mao Zedong was trying to build in China. The campaigns were short-lived and unsuccessful – more enduring were the efforts to improve water quality and waste treatment, which led to dramatic reductions in the epidemic diseases of cholera, plague and typhoid.
What this description omits is personally shocking to me, especially compared to the first-hand accounts I heard of the activities undertaken and the folly of effort, not to mention the horrible human and environmental consequences that were suffered, and the easily available historical information fundamental to the events that the entry does not include.
Alamy stock photo
It turned out that sparrows did not eat so much rice that the sparrows were harmful to the people in rice production. Rather, the planners learned the very hard way that sparrows ate enough insects to be helpful for rice production.
What negative consequences will we experience if we succeed at the eradication of recovery, sobriety and abstinence, addiction illness, and treatment? Or if we reduce them to the status of uncommon, rare, endangered, or nearing extinction? Would the idea of their removal be seen later by historians as folly? As wasted effort?
By contrast, my hope for our work with people in the SUD space is summarized in my series titled Addiction and the Stages of Healing18. In short my hope is that we continue to improve and expand safe, effective, and available help of all kinds, for all people, in all stages of “ready, willing, and able”19.
And my hope is that rather than see them as pests:
I hope we develop large stores of ample resources across a wide variety of kinds.
photo by Leaflet – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
To close, I would like to suggest that everyone should consider reading a blog post at Recovery Review titled, “The Seed Vault of Recovery History and Our New Recovery Advocacy Movement” (Stauffer, 2020).
1Coon, B. (2020). Older Model 2.0, Newer Model 3.0. Recovery Review.
2Boyle, M.G., White, W.L., Corrigan, P. W. & Loveland, D. L. (2001). Behavioral Health Recovery Management: A Statement of Principles.
3Great Lakes Addiction Technology Transfer Center. (2007). Frontline Implementation of Recovery Management Principles: An Interview with Michael Boyle by William L. White.
4Kelly, J. F. & White, W., Eds (2010). Addiction Recovery Management: Theory, Research and Practice. Humana Press.
5Caruso Brown, A. E. (2020). Treating Addiction as a Terminal Disease. New England Journal of Medicine. 328:3. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1909298
6Ebenau, A., Dijkstra, B., Stal-Klapwijk, M., ter Huurne, C., Blom, A., Vissers, K. & Groot, M. (2018). Palliative Care for Patients with a Substance Use Disorder and Multiple Problems: a Study Protocol. BMC Palliative Care. 17:97
7Coon, B. (2019). Harms of Use: A List of References. Recovery Review.
8Coon, B. (2020). One, Two, or None? Recovery Review.
9Coon, B. (2020). Addiction Counselors Should Become Familiar with “Recovery”. Recovery Review.
10Coon, B. (2020). Should We Include a Moral Dimension? The Aesthetics and Anesthetics of Addiction. Recovery Review.
11Coon, B. (2020). What IS Addiction? Recovery Review.
12Coon, B. (2019). “The Big 5” Substance Use Disorder Criteria. Recovery Review.
13Coon, B. (2021). Stigma, humanizing terms, and taking on hostility: A little more. Recovery Review.
15Calhoun J. B. (1973). Death Squared: The explosive growth and demise of a mouse population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 66(1 Pt 2), 80–88.
16Ikeda, T., Asano, M. Matoba, Y. & Abe, G. (2004). Present Status of Invasive Alien Raccoon and its Impact in Japan. Global Environmental Research. 8(2): 125-131.
17Wikipedia. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on 03/10/2021.
18Coon, B. (2019). Addiction and the Stages of Healing. Recovery Review.
19Coon, B. (2020). Peer Support, or Harm Reduction, or Recovery Coaching? Recovery Review.
20Coon, B. (2020). Research Describes Everyone and Applies to No One. Recovery Review.
21Coon, B. (2020). Recovery: let’s do the math. Recovery Review.
22Coon, B. (2021). Recovery: What is it Good For? Recovery Review.
Suggested Reading
Ortega y Gasset, J. (1932/1994). The Revolt of the Masses. W. W. Norton.
Smith, D. W., Stahler, D. R.. & MacNulty, D. R. (2020). Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World’s First National Park. University of Chicago Press.
Stauffer, B. (2020). The Seed Vault of Recovery History and Our New Recovery Advocacy Movement. Recovery Review.
The author thanks Jason Schwartz, Todd Tillman, and Joe Najdzion for comments on previous versions of this writing.