Want to Reduce Impaired Driving in Your Community?
Want to Reduce Impaired Driving in Your Community?
Apply for foundational training by April 1
DWI courts are a vital, strategic way to prioritize public health while increasing public safety in our communities. Is your program following the evidence, doing all it can to help participants achieve recovery and keep repeat impaired drivers off the roads? Maybe you’re still trying to get your program off the ground. NADCP’s National Center for DWI Courts (NCDC) provides the training you need no matter what stage your program may be in. Even better, this training is available at little or no cost to you through collaboration with your State Highway Safety Office.
NCDC’s 3.5-day DWI Court Foundational Training is designed to help:
- Courts not yet operating a DWI court program
- Teams that have had significant staff changes
- Teams that have never attended an NCDC training before
This training will assist your court in designing an effective program for treating repeat DWI offenders, and your team will benefit from one-on-one interaction with our experts. You’ll also be mentored by one of our DWI Academy Courts, exemplary programs that share their wisdom and insight so you avoid reinventing the wheel.
Applications are due Thursday, April 1, 2021.
The post Want to Reduce Impaired Driving in Your Community? appeared first on NADCP.org.