Webinar: Improving Client Outcomes: Using Core Correctional Practices in Treatment Courts

October 13, 2020
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Improving Client Outcomes: Using Core Correctional Practices in Treatment Courts

October 21 or November 12; 2:00 p.m. Eastern

NADCP is pleased to present a webinar on Core Correctional Practices on Wednesday, October 21 and will repeat it Thursday, November 12. Both events begin at 2:00 p.m. Eastern.

The webinar will educate probation officers, case managers, treatment providers, and others working in treatment courts on the fundamentals of Core Correctional Practices (CCP). The skills developed through CCP are designed to improve team members’ relationship skills, rapport, motivational enhancement strategies, and cognitive-behavioral problem solving approaches critical to aligning with national best practice standards. While developing these skills among case managers is critical, all team members are encouraged to attend to learn how the skills can be used in various roles in the treatment court.

The one-hour webinar includes an brief overview of the research on CCP, the three main components of CCP (relationship building, motivational enhancement skills, and intervention skills), an example demonstration of one skill within each component and Q&A.

Register for October 21

Register for November 12

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