Webinar: Sleep Hygiene and Addressing Insomnia

March 16, 2021
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Webinar: Addressing Sleep Hygiene in Justice-Involved Veterans

Tuesday, March 23 | 2:00 p.m. ET

NADCP’s Justice For Vets invites you to join “Insomnia: The Most Important and Least Addressed Symptom in Mental Health Treatment and How to Improve It through Sleep Hygiene” – a 75-minute webinar on addressing an often overlooked symptom in mental health treatment for justice-involved veterans and others. VA clinical psychologist Brian Meyer shows ways professionals in veterans treatment courts can approach sleep hygiene and improve outcomes.

Session Description

Imagine a life in which you slept only 2-3 hours a night: how would that change you? Insomnia is a symptom of almost every significant mental health problem found in veterans treatment courts, including substance use disorders, PTSD, depression, and chronic pain. Nonetheless, it often goes unaddressed until later in treatment even though treating insomnia would improve every one of those diagnostic problems. This presentation addresses the links between insomnia and other mental health disorders. It then provides a systematic approach to sleep hygiene that can dramatically improve sleep and decrease insomnia by 30-50 percent in just two sessions. So take off your shoes, pull up your blankets, and learn how to help your clients sleep better – and maybe you will sleep better, too.

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About the Presenter

Brian L. Meyer, Ph.D., L.C.P., is a clinical psychologist and the psychology program manager for community-based outpatient clinics for the Central Virginia VA Health Care System, and an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Virginia Commonwealth University. He obtained his A.B. from Harvard University in 1980 and his Ph.D. in clinical psychology with a specialization in adolescents and families from Duke University in 1990. Currently, Dr. Meyer oversees psychologists at five regional VA community clinics; provides evidence-based treatments for veterans with PTSD, substance use disorder, depression, TBI, and other co-occurring conditions; and develops and conducts research on treatments for PTSD, substance use disorder, and comorbid conditions. Dr. Meyer has presented on a wide range of content areas, including the treatment of trauma and comorbid conditions, substance use disorder, complex trauma, the effects of trauma and substance use disorder on families, veteran mental health, mindfulness meditation, secondary traumatization, and self-care. He is the co-author of Transcending Self Therapy: Group Integrative Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Book for Facilitators (2019), a treatment manual for people with substance use disorders.

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