The specter of drugs testing at your place of employment is a worrying cloud many recreational drug users live under. To add to the concern there has also been a noticeable increase in the use of drug testing kits used by law enforcement officers.

So, let’s have a look at some well-established guidelines on drug testing relating to how long traces of a drug can remain in the body and give positive readings (positive for the testers, not for the tested!).

It must be remembered that a variety of factors need to be added into the mix, but these guidelines are generally acknowledged by the medical profession as being reliable.

3 separate categories:

There are 3 regularly used ways in which drug testing is carried out. These are through the blood, urine and hair.

Testing using hair follicles is the least used and drug users will be relieved to hear this because positive results stretch much further back in terms of detection.

This type of testing is worthy of a topic on its own so we will concentrate on the 2 most common methods for those undergoing a drugs test. The results will clearly show the difference between the length of time drugs stay in the bloodstream and can be detected from a urine sample.

It is certainly worth repeating that these statistics are guidelines only and results can, and do vary.

Comment on alcohol and cannabis (marijuana)

We will start with alcohol which is the only legal substance in the list, but it is one that countless people fall foul of.

Cannabis (marijuana) is also included and while laws for the use of this substance are changing in various parts of the world, many users will still find this a useful inclusion.

Be conscious of the risk:

Temptation has strong pulling power, but please remember that if you indulge in drug use, once taken it is in your system.

Anyone who may be subject to random drug testing would be wise to leave illegal substances alone, those who have scheduled drug tests can at least manage their use and abstain well in advance of the test date.

There is also an important point to make for those who are job hunting. An increasing numbers of companies are making a pre-employment drugs test one of the pre-requisites of any job offer, and that regular testing may well be part and parcel of the position offered to you.

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Methadone is seen as part of the treatment process for those trying to beat heroin addiction. While it can help many it must be known that this opiate can also bring a whole new set of addiction problems into the equation.

What is methadone?

It is a synthetic opiate used for pain relief. One of the reasons it is used by heroin addicts who are trying to kick their habit is that a single dose offers long lasting effects.

The drug works by stimulating the brain’s opioid receptors much in the same way as heroin or morphine, but its chemical make-up is different.

The major difference:

As mentioned, methadone works and offers similar effects to heroin or morphine, but its ability to give far longer lasting effects is the major differentiator.

When taken, methadone is naturally released intro a user’s system far more slowly, and does not wear off anywhere nearly as quickly.

Those taking methadone can find one ‘hit’ lasting anywhere between 8 hours and 2.5 days. It needs to be understood that factors such as the user’s current tolerance to opioids and the amount of methadone taken will affect a user’s craving for more.

Sensible substitute?

Methadone offers similar, but longer lasting effects to heroin so it would seem to be the perfect alternative for those trying to beat heroin addiction.

Using methadone could mean that only one dose a day is required to help ward off cravings for multiple heroin hits. It also prevents the unwanted withdrawal symptoms that are part and parcel of coming off heroin.

So, where is the concern?

It can be seen from the above that because methadone’s effects last that much longer than those of heroin, and therefore makes it the perfect ‘treatment’ to help heroin addicts beat their current addiction.

While the theory is sound, the problem comes with regular use of methadone over a sustained period. Such use leaves a user wide-open to physical and mental issues that are similar to those a heroin addict has.

For heroin users affected in this way they are simply replacing one devastating addiction for another.

Methadone withdrawal – A huge challenge:

Those users who replace heroin dependence with a dependence on methadone have a serious challenge to withdraw from it.

Many drug professionals are now of the opinion that methadone withdrawal is as, if not more difficult to achieve that withdrawing from heroin alone.

Pronounced withdrawal symptoms:

Similar withdrawal symptoms are received by users coming of either heroin or methadone, but the methadone withdrawal symptoms are more pronounced.

The initial stages of withdrawal leave a person feeling as if they have a severe dose of flu. They feel tired, anxious, and restless, suffer from sweating and shivering episodes and bouts of muscle pains and aches. These symptoms are stronger for those coming of methadone.

The same goes for the unwanted effects received as withdrawal continues, both are similar, but the methadone user feels them more acutely.

Consider alternatives:

Any heroin addict looking to beat their addiction should not accept methadone as a treatment without exploring other alternatives.

It is imperative that an experienced drug rehabilitation counsellor is spoken to in order to understand the various methods of treatment that will help a heroin addict beat their dependence in the most positive way.

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OxyContin is used legally as a prescribed drug and illegally by recreational users seeking the highs this powerful pain reliever offers.

There are certainly valid reasons for its use, but it must also be noted that this drug has caused extensive damage to those using and abusing it.

What is it?

Introduced to the market as long ago as 1995 OxyContin is a strong, time-released drug. It is primarily used by those who require 24/7 relief from pain. Because of its slow-release qualities a dose lasts around 12 hours.

Users need to be fully aware that it contains oxycodone which is part of the opioid drug family. Other similar drugs include methadone, heroin, morphine and codeine.

Safe to use?

For those who require long-term pain relief and are prescribed it, dangers will be greatly reduced as long as guidelines for use are followed.

The caveat here is that the more regularly the drug is taken the greater the possibility of dependence. This is because the body and mind quickly build a tolerance to the drug.

Increasing tolerance means that more is required to achieve the same effects as previously experienced. If this cycle is allowed to continue then dependence on OxyContin is a possibility.

Dangers of illegal use:

Those using OxyContin in search of illegal highs are opening themselves up to a myriad of problems, not least addiction!

As mentioned, the drug works on a time release basis. Once swallowed initial effects kick-in, after this the special coating allows slow content release to ensure a consistent flow of pain relief.

Recreational users have no such time for delayed time-release. They will either crush the pill to release all of the oxycodone contained, or chew it to ensure full effects are theirs.

It is very easy to underestimate the actual strength and amount of oxycodone being taken and regular abuse is opening the door to a rapid dependence on the drug.

To add to the concerns, many observers believe that using OxyContin for recreational purposes serves as an effective gateway to moving on to heroin.

5 signs that a person is dependent:

Here are 5 signs that will stand out if you are concerned about someone who is abusing OxyContin.

Don’t dabble with OxyContin:

This is a powerful drug. It is dangerous enough for those who are prescribed it. Abusing it offers a high risk of a rapid dependence and the many unwanted problems this brings with it.

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It is a common misconception that alcohol is a complete aphrodisiac. While it can certainly enhance both men and women’s libido’s, lower inhibitions and enhance sexual enjoyment, this is only the case if taken in moderation.

Here are the positives of alcohol in relation to sex as well as the negatives.

Moderate drinking can enhance sexual enjoyment:

For men, drinking in moderation generally has a positive effect on their sexual desire. This is seen to be particularly noticeable when they are in the prime of life. It is also understood that younger men find an erection easier to come by after a drink or two.

Many women find that a glass or two or their favourite tipple, or a glass of red wine leaves them with more pronounced sexual desire and feelings.

An advantage that can benefit both men and women is when partners share a reasonable amount of alcohol. This can help to lower inhibitions, allow them to be more open to suggestions and experimentation, lead to livelier, more fulfilling sex sessions, and work to bring them closer together as a couple.

The negatives of heavy drinking and sex:

When either sex regularly consumes alcohol to excess there is a strong chance that their sensitivity towards sex is reduced. It is also the case that they will respond more slowly to sexual actions.

Specific problems for women:

Constant, sustained drinking can mean a women experiences a decrease in lubrication during foreplay and subsequent intercourse. This is certainly not the right recipe for comfortable, enjoyable sex.

A knock on effect is that many find it harder to achieve an orgasm, and if they do it is far less intense.

For those women looking to start or add to their family it should also be understood that regular, excessive drinking sessions can lower fertility.

Specific problems for men:

It is very true that many men have increased sexual desires and intentions the more they drink. Their minds are awash with thoughts of sexual acts and enjoyment they intend to share with their partner.

The problem is that while the mind may be working overtime the penis generally goes in the other direction. This leaves many men subject to the extremely embarrassing condition commonly known as ‘Brewer’s Droop’.

The embarrassment of not being able to achieve or maintain an erection can be frustrating and disappointing for both partners and having another drink to try and overcome this will only exasperate matters.

If a man continually drinks to excess and this problem becomes the norm, they will rapidly become more reluctant to even get involved in sexual encounters.

Brewer’s Droop is a temporary condition, but it should be noted that sustained heavy drinking over long periods of time can actually lead to Erectile Dysfunction issues which are much more permanent.

Enjoy alcohol in moderation:

Sexual activity is something that should be cherished and enjoyed by both men and women. Many do not feel the need for alcohol to help enhance the experience.

For those who need to relax a little it is important to remember that drinking in moderation is the only way to go if they are to get fulfillment, satisfaction and enjoyment when mixing alcohol and sex.

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It is very surprising how drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis catches up with people. What begins as a couple of weekly visits to the local, or a drink once or twice a week at home gradually turns into a ritual to be relied upon.

Here are 5 signs that drinking could well be developing into a problem that should not be ignored.

Thoughts of alcohol:

Anyone who finds their thoughts constantly increasing in terms of needing a drink or where their next drink is coming from needs to address the situation. It is a similar case if you begin planning where, and for how long the next session will be.

If ignored these thoughts will continue to snowball until they are a constant.

This very often leads to:

Earlier starts / later finishes:

This is an easy trap to slip into. Because alcohol is becoming ever-more important it is very easy to solve the problem by starting to drink an hour or so before your ‘normal’ start time.

If this ritual continues, many find that they are drinking first thing in the morning simply to have a ‘livener’.

Of course the first drink is just opening the floodgates to the next and next. Many of those whose drinking is increasing on an all too regular basis also find that later finishes come into the equation.

This could be by staying longer at a watering hole, or when returning home and already well lubricated they head for the drinks cabinet or fridge instead of the bedroom.

Absence from work:

A common trait for those who are over-imbibing is to wake up feeling very shabby. The last thing on their mind is attending work. This is a dangerous pattern because once they phone in sick the whole day is theirs and alcohol will be readily found.

Constant ‘sickness’ does little for your job prospects or self-esteem.

Good intentions, but…

When a person realises they are drinking too much many will make a conscious effort to do something about it. They will determine that today they are not going to drink.

If these good intentions are kept then there is hope, but often the spirit starts to waver before the first spirit is thrown down the hatch!

Yes, those good intentions have fallen by the wayside and before they know it there is a drink in their hand.

Once started, unable to stop:

This is a sure sign that alcohol is getting the better of a person. Many with a growing dependence will begin drinking with the intention to have a few before returning home.

The reality is that most cannot remember exactly how they got home or how much alcohol they have consumed.

Don’t ignore the signs:

In terms of a slide into alcohol dependence there are many more signs than those mentioned above. It may appear easier to ignore the signs, but that is not the way to go.

Dependence upon alcohol will not go away on its own, and until a person makes a determined effort to tackle their problems, dependence is only going to deepen.

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Trazodone has valid uses for those suffering from severe depression, but those looking to use it for recreational highs are generally in for disappointment. Here’s why.

What is it?

Trazodone is an anti-depressant medicine. It is primarily used for those people suffering with depression. A major cause of depression affects those with a Serotonin imbalance. Serotonin is a naturally occurring body chemical.

Depression wears many disguises:

There is certainly no single, specific reason that a person is affected by depression, but it is a given that everyone will suffer from bouts of depression throughout their life.

Reasons include, but are certainly not limited to an unforgettable incident, social or relationship difficulties, or the loss of someone very close to you.

Depression ranges from mild to severe with temporary bouts being part and parcel of a person’s life. There are a variety of ways to treat depression and not all of these include the use of drugs.

Do not bottle-up your depression:

One thing must be made crystal clear. If you are suffering from any form of depression it should not be kept bottled up. This will only increase the problems and negative feelings.

A positive way to combat these feelings is to take a loved one or a good friend into your confidence and explain the reasons behind your depressive thoughts and feelings.

An alternative is to discuss this with your health practitioner. The saying “A problem shared is a problem halved” is certainly a valid starting point to overcome depressive episodes.

If Trazodone is prescribed:

The decision to start a course of Trazodone should not be taken lightly, but if it is found that Serotonin levels need balancing then this form of treatment needs to be carefully administered.

The way in which the drug works mean that instant results will not be seen. In many cases it can take up to 2 weeks before full effects are noticed.

The benefits offered should include a positive effect on your mood, a decrease in feelings of anxiety, increased energy levels and a regular appetite. The overall effect should leave a person feeling far better with their life.

Two major things to avoid:

Make no mistake, this is a serious drug. Those taking a course should not drink alcohol. Trazodone is known to increase the effects alcohol gives.

The same goes for anyone considering a drugs cocktail. It is known that some users combine barbiturates, or sedatives; valium is common, with Trazodone. This is not something to be tried as the consequences are likely to lead to deeper issues.

Recreational high:

As mentioned at the beginning of the piece, please do not waste your time using Trazodone for recreational purposes. There is little evidence that a satisfactory high will be achieved. In many cases the end result is the user has a strong desire to sleep.

For those who are intending to use Trazodone as part of a recreational drug cocktail then they are asking for a raft of potential problems that are simply not worth the risk.

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Crystal Meth is a highly addictive drug that will quickly hook users. It is imperative to understand that once hooked this substance does not let go easily.

Let us take a look at what it is, how it affects people and why it really is a substance to be feared.

Part of the Methamphetamine family:

This white crystalline drug is part of the methamphetamine family and is either snorted, smoked, swallowed or injected.

Dependent upon how the drug is taken depends on its effects. We will look at the 3 levels of abuse shortly, but first let‘s understand why it attracts so many.

A ‘rush’ that is hard to beat:

Hardened drug users and those already dependent upon the drug make it very clear that the rush offered when smoking or injecting this drug is hard to beat.

Confidence is at an all-time high, well-being and happy, content feelings flood over a user and energy levels appear boundless.

Effects can last between 6 and 8 hours although it obviously follows that the more used the longer the Crystal Meth binge and highs continue.

Starting out:

Most users will begin use by snorting or swallowing the drug. Their excuse being they need to be alert and have energy to complete an urgent task at hand.

Some also use the excuse that it is an ideal drug for weight loss. This is because hunger is one of the last things on a user’s mind.

Snorting or swallowing the drug will begin on an occasional basis, but can rapidly change as the user looks for a bigger, more powerful effect.

Smoking the drug:

This is a major step towards dependence. The reason being that smoking Crystal Meth sends it directly into the bloodstream and from there it takes a rapid journey to the brain.

While the highs are most definitely higher, the physical and psychological effects received mean that a person who continues to smoke the drug is asking for dependence.

The moreish appeal means a user feels compelled to continue filling their pipe in search of repeated highs.

Uncontrolled abuse:

These are users who have lost control of reality and smoke or inject the drug on a virtually constant basis.

Those in this situation will go for days on end without sleep and only stop when complete exhaustion gets the better of them. They will then fall into a deep sleep that can easily last for 24 solid hours or more.

Anyone who is at this level of use really must seek professional help immediately. Failure to do so will have dire consequences.

Don’t dabble with Crystal Meth:

While it is not recommended to mess with any illegal drug, Crystal Meth is a most definite ‘No-No’. Please do not think you are stronger than this drug and can resist its highly addictive appeal.

Countless men and women before you have had similar thoughts and are now struggling to beat a dependence that affects them physically, mentally and socially.

If you have started on the Crystal Meth trail then the sooner professional rehabilitation assistance is sought the better.

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Drinking alcohol is a pleasurable pursuit for millions of men and women. When taken in sensible measures there is little doubt that it can enhance social occasions and relax those who enjoy a glass or two of their favourite tipple.

The downside to alcohol is when someone allows their drinking habit to increase on a regular basis. If this is left unchecked then physical and psychological problems loom.

Activating the body’s pleasure zones:

When alcohol is consumed it activates brain messengers that are responsible for pleasure. These good feelings are felt throughout the body.

This is because unlike food, alcohol is not digested. Once it enters the body it quickly passes into the bloodstream and onwards to all parts of the body.

Those who restrict themselves to sensible measures should have no problems enjoying alcohol, but it also needs to be remembered that it is very ‘moreish’.

The more a person drinks, the greater their body tolerance to it becomes. This in turn means regular drinking, or drinking to excess when a person does drink will cause an increase in tolerance.

Such an increased tolerance means more alcohol is required to achieve the same feelings as previously experienced.

Tolerance can led to a reliance:

Increasing drinking habits can be achieved in many ways. Some people see an original once or twice weekly visit to their favourite drinking spot increasing to three or four times and before they realise it, this has become a daily occurrence.

Another common route is reaching for the bottle after a long day. A glass or two while relaxing at home is acceptable, but don’t let that turn into three or four glasses because this continued increase will gradually end up with a person forgetting how much they are actually drinking.

Another danger of drinking at home is that measures are generally far more generous than those received in a bar or restaurant.

Don’t ignore increased consumption:

It is far easier to ignore the fact that regular consumption of alcohol is increasing than to face up to it, but by ignoring the warning signs a person is asking for enjoyment to turn to dependence.

Once a person is dependent upon alcohol it is anything but enjoyable. Their thoughts and actions turn rapidly to alcohol, earlier start times are common as are extended sessions.

Those heading down this route need to stand up and be counted, face facts and take action to cut back on alcohol.

Do not hesitate to seek professional help:

If you are concerned about the amount of alcohol being consumed there is no harm in trying to cut back on your own. Try renewing an old pastime that has fallen by the wayside or take up a new hobby to occupy your mind.

Consider theatre or movie visits a couple of times a week, or establish friendships with non-drinkers. There are lots of other options to try, but anyone who finds they are struggling to reduce their alcohol intake should feel no embarrassment whatsoever in seeking professional help.

This route is one that is readily available and should be taken advantage. It could mean the difference between a happy, healthy life and one that is lived under the dark shadows that alcohol dependence can bring.

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Many users see Ecstasy as a harmless way to enhance their enjoyment during a club night out, when attending a music festival, or raving away at an all-night party.

While it can certainly add a buzz to the experience it must also be understood that there are dangers attached to regular use of the drug, and that many find it a gateway to stronger, more addictive drugs.

Here are some facts about Ecstasy, the potential path users are treading and where it can ultimately lead to:

It’s original, pure form is MDMA, but…

Many users believe they are getting ‘clean’ MDMA when purchasing their pills. Sadly nothing could be further from the truth.

During the 1980’s when Ecstasy hit the Rave scene it was produced containing large amounts of MDMA. Today’s manufacturers include little or any of this highly potent chemical when producing tabs in their backstreet labs.

What today’s Ecstasy does contain is a whole raft of different substances with chemicals such as ephedrine, ketamine, mephedrone and methylone being favourites.

The substitute ingredients still work:

There may be no MDMA present in your Ecstasy, but producers make sure the user still gets an experience that is worth coming back for.

Once swallowed the pill can take between 30-60 minutes to kick-in and feelings received are of a pleasant euphoria, a sense that everything is good with the world along with contentment and happiness.

A user often feels very sociable, has the urge to talk or dance excessively and a noticeable decrease in inhibitions. Many talk of an increase in sexual desire, enhanced sensations and mild hallucinations as also being part of the experience.

Multiple use becomes a must:

These feelings generally peak between 1.5-2 hours after first use and tail off after 3.5 hour, but as long as a user has access to more it is very unlikely they will allow the drug’s effects to wear off. The need to experience those highs will have them swallowing another pill every couple of hours.

If the event they are attending is an all-night one it is easy to see how multiple-use is a common factor amongst Ecstasy users.

The lows must be factored in:

Please do not think taking Ecstasy is free from risk. When a user finally ceases an extended session on the drug the euphoric highs they have experienced are replaced by depressing lows. Add to this extreme fatigue, increased irritability, muscle aches, headaches, feelings of nausea and possible dizzy spells.

There is also a risk of psychological problems that will last far longer than any physical symptoms a user experiences.

Don’t let Ecstasy lead to other drugs:

Regular use of Ecstasy leads many into temptation in terms of sampling drugs that are far more addictive. Meth and Crack spring to mind. Dealers will convince ‘E’ users that these other substances give instant highs that are more powerful.

While this may be true, they also omit to mention that these alternative drugs can very quickly create a devastating dependence which a user will fall into all too easily.

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