Thank You for an Incredible 2022

This year, we at NADCP are grateful for so much. 2022 saw both a welcome return to normalcy and continued innovation and growth. First and foremost, we want to say thank you. This year, the treatment court field continued to display unparalleled resilience and creativity. As a community, we’ve risen to meet the challenges of our times while ensuring we leave no one behind, especially our most vulnerable community members dealing with substance use and mental health disorders.

Nothing demonstrated our field’s strength better than RISE22, where you absolutely shattered all previous attendance records. In July, 7,700 of you descended on Nashville for an unforgettable conference experience and long-awaited in-person reunion. (And we could not be more grateful for one last hurrah with All Rise Ambassador Leslie Jordan.)

Stay tuned in the new year for all things RISE23!

In 2022, we tripled the number of training events and doubled the number of treatment court practitioners trained over 2021! The NADCP E-Learning Center also saw massive growth, more than tripling the number of online courses and webinars viewed and completed. These numbers would not be possible without the support of our federal partners and your constant striving to know and do the absolute best you can for the individuals you serve each day.

Together, we continued to tell powerful stories of the exceptional work treatment courts are doing in communities across the country in the news and on social media. Thanks to you, millions across local, regional, and national media outlets have learned about saved lives, reunited families, and tangible justice reform.
We hope you and yours have a wonderful, safe holiday season.

We cannot wait to continue serving you in the coming year!

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New Guides on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) for Treatment Court Professionals and Participants

As we enter the second week of Recovery Month, NADCP is pleased to release newly updated and completely redesigned online guides on medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in treatment courts. We encourage treatment courts to incorporate these new guides into your everyday operations, now accessible via convenient HTML webpages and also downloadable as PDFs.

The MOUD guides were created through a partnership between experts at NADCP and addiction medicine specialists with criminal justice expertise from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). They reflect up-to-date, evidence-based information to support optimal outcomes for justice-involved individuals living with opioid use disorder.

MOUD Clinician guide (digital) F_cover

Clinician Guide
This guide is for clinicians working in treatment courts. It describes how clinicians can help participants benefit from MOUD. Readers of this guide will understand best practices around prescribing MOUD, supporting participants considering or using MOUD, and communicating with treatment court team members about best practices around MOUD.
MOUD Non-Clinician guide (digital) F_cover

Team Member Guide
This guide is for nonclinical team members working in treatment courts. It describes how team members can help participants benefit from MOUD. Readers of this guide will understand best practices around facilitating access to MOUD, supporting participants considering or using MOUD, and communicating with clinicians and other treatment court team members about MOUD.
MOUD Participant guide (digital) F_cover

Participant Guide
This guide provides up-to-date, evidence-based information to help treatment court participants understand and benefit from medications as a part of treatment and recovery management. It's designed for any treatment court participant who has decided or is thinking about including medication as part of their recovery plan. It's also perfect for families and other supportive people (e.g., peer mentors, recovery coaches, peer recovery specialists, sponsors, friends, religious/spiritual mentors) so they can help along the road of recovery.

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Recovery Is for Everyone:
Every Person, Every Family, Every Community

Each September, Recovery Month promotes and supports new evidence-based recovery practices, the emergence of a strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of community members and service providers across the nation who make recovery in all its forms possible.

Now in its 33rd year, Recovery Month is facilitated by Faces and Voices of Recovery and celebrates the gains made by those in addiction and mental health recovery, just as we celebrate improvements made by those managing other health conditions.

NADCP is proud to support the 150,000 people seeking recovery through treatment courts each year, along with the treatment court practitioners who are helping them on their journeys. Throughout September, we look forward to sharing special recovery content and resources and seeing how treatment courts celebrate Recovery Month! Check out a selection of NADCP’s recovery-focused resources here.

Here are some additional resources to help you plan and share Recovery Month activities and promote recovery in your communities:

  • 2022 Recovery Month toolkit, flyers, images, social media messaging, and other free resources, many in both English and Spanish
  • The Recovery Month online event calendar allows people searching for events in your community to find them easily; post your event so others can join!

On social media channels, be sure to use #RecoveryMonth and tag our All Rise Facebook and Twitter accounts!


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It's official: RISE22 was the single largest gathering of treatment court professionals in our movement's history. Nearly 8,000 of you gathered in Nashville to celebrate, learn, and grow together!

We invite you to view a recap of this historic event. From an unprecedented federal presence and star-studded concert, to our celebration of recovery and over 260 dynamic sessions, RISE22 demonstrated why it’s an unparalleled conference event each year.

RISE22 Exclusive Content
This year, NADCP has made excerpts from two important RISE22 general sessions available to all treatment court professionals. Click here to view deep-dive panels on harm reduction in treatment courts and addressing the ripple effects of parental incarceration and parental addiction.

RISE23 Call for Papers
NADCP is seeking session proposals for RISE23. If you are interested in presenting next year, click here to learn more and submit!

We'd like to extend our most sincere gratitude to everyone who attended, spoke, exhibited, and performed. We’re hard at work on RISE23, and look forward to seeing you in Houston!

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Here at NADCP, we’re humbled and grateful for you, the treatment court field. This May has been a beautiful tribute to the lives you’ve helped save, families you’ve kept together or reunited, and paths you’ve carved out of the legal system and into long-term recovery for thousands of Americans. Thank you. NADCP is also grateful to our federal partners, who took to social media to support your work all month long. And we saw many state proclamations and graduation speeches by your state’s leaders – from governors to members of Congress, they showed up to support treatment courts and the graduates. Plus, we’ve been blown away the artistic talents of your participants and alumni as they’ve entered our Art of Recovery contest. The winners will be announced soon; be sure to stop by and take in the gallery at RISE22!
Here are just a few of the incredible stories and images you’ve sent us and that have headlined the news over the last 10 days.
AZ treatment court hits two huge milestones
Arizona’s Yuma County Adult Drug Court achieved two major milestones on May 17, holding their 90th graduation ceremony and honoring their 1000th graduate! You can watch the livestream on the program’s Facebook page. Congratulations!
DWI Academy Court stands out
Texas’ El Paso DWI Intervention and Treatment Program, one of just four Academy Courts in the country, celebrated National Drug Court Month by honoring the more than 800 individuals whose lives have completely changed through the program. Said Judge Robert Anchondo, “When these people get better and graduate, you see a bolt of freshness, lightness; they go back to school and work on education, and more options are available to them.”
Supporting veterans in Albuquerque
On May 18, participants, team members, and mentors from the community veterans treatment court in Albuquerque, New Mexico walked together in the annual VA2K Walk & Roll to support homeless veterans and promote health and well-being in the community!
Annual Sacramento river cleanup event a success
Every year in honor of National Drug Court Month, California’s Sacramento County Recovery Court participates in a river cleanup and barbeque. During the event, the court team presented three participants with Client of the Month and Most Improved Awards.
5K race celebrates multiple treatment courts
Washington’s Lewis County Drug Court Foundation and Alumni Association hosted a 5K race: Run for Five, Recovery is Alive! “It was amazing to see current participants from drug court, family recovery court, and mental health court walking and running alongside community members that showed up in support of them,” said drug court manager Stephanie Miller. “As I write this, I am beaming with pride for our county’s programs.”
First graduation in rural Louisiana
As it did for many new programs, the pandemic delayed the launch of the Sixth Judicial District Drug Court, which serves three rural parishes in Louisiana. After opening in March 2021, the program was finally able to celebrate its first graduate! Thank you all for persevering to help folks like Zachary find recovery.

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What else can we say but THANK YOU for your tireless work promoting and educating the public about your programs! The commencement ceremonies, proclamations, social media posts, and graduate success stories are what make National Drug Court Month great. Please continue to send us your artwork for our Art of Recovery contest! Here’s a small portion of all the amazing activity from week three!
U.S. Senator John Boozman encourages Arkansans
On Monday, Sen. John Boozman was the keynote speaker honoring more than 130 graduates of drug and veterans treatment courts in Benton County, Arkansas. Said Boozman, “It’s a privilege to get to partner with you on getting our family, friends, and neighbors the support and care they need in a very deliberate and effective way.”
National mentor court receives recognition 
Illinois’ Cook County Rehabilitative Alternative Probation program honored graduates and the team were honored themselves when they received their designation as a national mentor court! While he could not attend in person, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin sent a heartfelt video message to the Cook County graduates to recognize their hard work and congratulate the RAP program on its national recognition.
Detroit treatment courts graduate two dozen
Michigan’s 36th District Drug Treatment Court, also a national mentor court, had a celebration of their own: “Two dozen graduates of the 36th District Court’s specialty treatment courts received diplomas and praises for their accomplishments of overcoming their addiction and embarking on new lives.”
Veterans Affairs blog tells a recovery story
The VAntage Point blog features the recovery story of Kevin Rumley, the director of North Carolina’s Buncombe County Veterans Treatment Court. “After 10 subsequent attempts at recovery, Rumley’s doctor suggested Suboxone…’It ended up saving my life,’ Rumley attested. ‘I had ideas around me being a failure if I took medications, but my VA doctor reframed my thinking…I realized every person at VA cared for me deeply both as a veteran and as a person and truly wanted me to be healthy and whole. I started feeling necessary.”
Austin DWI court holds first in-person ceremony
Texas’ Travis County DWI Court honored graduates in person for the first time since the pandemic began. Judge Elisabeth Earle tweeted, “First in-person DWI court graduation since COVID began. DWI courts and drug courts promote accountability and provide treatment helping participants address addiction and find a better path. Saving lives and tax dollars while improving public safety.”
Family treatment court sees lives changed and families reunited
North Carolina’s 8th Judicial Family Accountability and Recovery Court recently celebrated five family treatment court graduates! “This is just one of the thousands of individual stories that demonstrate why treatment courts are so critical in the effort to address addiction and related crime.”
Headline of the week: “West Virginia adult drug treatment programs provide success that could last generations”
This in-depth article features the lifesaving work of the federal adult drug treatment court based in Clarksburg, as well as local treatment courts across the state.  “The work that we do in our treatment court represents really the very best, I think, of the judicial system, working in a collaborative way to make meaningful and effective change that’s good for the individual and the community,” said U.S. Magistrate Judge Michael John Aloi.

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We’re almost halfway through National Drug Court Month, and you continue to impress with your graduations, media coverage, and social media content. Continue to send us your artwork for our Art of Recovery contest! Here are some great stories from week two!

Federal partners promote your success on Twitter
Check out these great tweets supporting National Drug Court Month and the lifesaving work of treatment courts everywhere from the National Institute of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Veterans Court of Southern Indiana celebrates 10 years and honors 11 graduates
Veterans treatment courts are joining National Drug Court Month. Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush attended a huge celebration of the Veterans Court of Southern Indiana on Tuesday. Said one graduate, “Today you see a healthier, happier, more productive group of individuals who found their sense of purpose again.”
Ohio grads see felony charges dismissed
Five individuals who completed Ohio’s Mahoning County Drug Court celebrated not only their recovery, but a new start thanks to getting their felony charges dismissed. “I busted my butt every single day and today, I am no longer a felon,” said graduate Joshua Ellis.
13 Arizonans start new lives in recovery
Congratulations to 13 new treatment court graduates in Arizona! “They all completed Pima County’s Drug Treatment Alternatives to Prison program…that puts participants in recovery and rehab programs instead of jail.”
“Don’t be ashamed of your past. Use it.”
Jeana Castillo, a graduate from Texas, has some inspiring words for treatment court participants: “My best advice is don’t let anyone label you. Be more than a recovering addict because you are someone special. Figure out who you want to be and define yourself. You don’t have to live under a negative label for the rest of your life and only you can change what you are viewed as. Don’t be ashamed of your past. Use it.” 

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National Drug Court Month Week 1 Recap
As the first week of National Drug Court Month concludes, we are overwhelmed by the incredible headlines of hope and recovery from across the country. Treatment courts from coast to coast are sharing their stories of lives saved and communities transformed, holding graduations and community events that build public support. We’ve also been impressed with the powerful submissions to our Art of Recovery contest. To learn more and submit your work, click here.
The Bureau of Justice Assistance touts 30 Years of treatment courts: “Justice Reform That Works”
BJA published a remarkable blog post highlighting the enduring success of treatment courts and the crucial role of the Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program in helping the movement thrive. The piece quotes BJA Director Karhlton Moore saying, “One of BJA’s great strengths is supporting innovative local programs and then spreading the lessons learned from them around the country. BJA programs promote fresh thinking and new experiences, and then help these insights achieve widespread acceptance and adoption. Drug court is a terrific example of how this process works.”
Chief Justices from Nebraska and North Carolina issued proclamations declaring May National Drug Court Month
Said North Carolina Chief Justice Paul Newby: “North Carolina’s treatment courts have been working to restore lives and families for 27 years. We set aside this month to raise awareness that treatment courts can help break the cycle of addiction and crime and encourage hope and healing through recovery.”
Hawaii’s Kona Drug Court team visits and thanks businesses hiring treatment court graduates
In this unique celebration, Hawaii drug court Judge Wendy DeWeese toured local businesses and learned how they help individuals in recovery. Judge DeWeese thanked business owners for not giving up on treatment court participants and alumni, saying, “It’s really encouraging the business owners are willing to give third and fourth chances and don’t judge or stigmatize.”
Pierce County, WA launches new mental health court
The nation’s newest treatment court launched this week! The Pierce County, Washington Mental Health Court will continue the county’s strong support for treatment courts with a focus on justice-involved individuals with mental health disorders. Judge Kevin A. McCann said, “We know from experience that the members of our community who suffer from mental illness will benefit from this structured path away from criminality. We are reforming our criminal justice system for the better.”
Congratulations to the Adams County, Illinois Drug Court on its 119th graduate!
Tashia expressed her gratitude to the program saying, “It’s given me a great support system, so that I’m able to lean on people in my life that care about me, that truly care about me.”
HEADLINE OF THE WEEK: “Recovery Court promotes hope, healing in community”
Read this great piece out of Tennessee here.
Share your National Drug Court Month success!
NADCP wants to hear from you. Let us know what you are up to during National Drug Court Month and help your program get featured in our weekly roundup. Click here for submissions.

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We anticipate the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) treatment court grant solicitation will be released in the coming weeks.

Additional funding opportunities for treatment courts, law enforcement, prosecutors, behavioral health, corrections, reentry, and reform will soon be available.

BJA has scheduled several webinars to assist with your planning. Additional assistance can be found on the Department of Justice JUSTgrants resource page. Below are available webinars to assist with solicitations.

BJA Funding and Resources for Law Enforcement

This webinar will assist prospective applicants find funding opportunities focused on law enforcement. In this webinar, attendees will learn about the primary initiatives BJA plans to fund in FY22 that support law enforcement, along with eligibility requirements, examples of allowable uses of funding, estimated funding amounts, as well as training and technical assistance opportunities. A Q&A session will follow at the end of the presentation.

Thursday, March 10, 2022
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET


BJA Funding and Resources for Courts and Prosecutors

In this webinar, attendees will learn the primary initiatives BJA plans to fund in FY22 that support courts. Solicitation eligibility requirements, examples of allowable uses of funding, estimated funding amounts, as well as training and technical assistance opportunities will be highlighted. A Q&A session will follow at the end of the presentation.

Thursday, March 17, 2022
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET


Federal Support for Behavioral Health and Justice Responses: Best Practice, Resources and Education

This webinar will discuss behavioral health interventions and BJA resources that can assist with strategic planning and program implementation to address mental health disorders, co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, substance use and addiction, criminal justice system responses, school responses, and responses to populations such as youth, tribes, and veterans. BJA funding, tools and resources that are specific to behavioral health will be discussed. A Q&A session will follow at the end of the presentation.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET


BJA Funding and Resources – Corrections, Reentry, and Reform

In this webinar, attendees will learn the primary initiatives BJA plans to fund in FY22 that support jails, prisons, the community-based organizations they work with, and experts to support them. Panelists will review BJA opportunities, along with eligibility requirements, examples of allowable uses of funding, estimated funding amounts, as well as training and technical assistance opportunities. A Q&A session will follow at the end of the presentation.

Thursday, March 31, 2022
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET


Visit BJA’s Funding Webinars page for more information on upcoming funding events, and stay tuned for an announcement from NADCP on the release of the FY’22 solicitation.

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As treatment courts are on the front lines of the opioid crisis, NADCP is here to serve you. NADCP, together with partners in the addiction medicine field, is leading efforts to provide resources to treatment court practitioners for implementing a safe and effective treatment program that includes medication for addiction treatment (MAT) in their court. These resources are completely free to access, download, and use. Best of all, we have the nation’s leading experts in our office and as our partners to help you.

Best Practice Standards

NADCP’s Adult Drug Court Best Practice Standards are the blueprint on which successful adult drug courts are built. Rooted in more than 25 years of empirical study of addiction, pharmacology, behavioral health, and criminal justice, the standards address the most critical aspects of adult drug court and provide an evidence-based guide for how programs should operate to ensure success in treating individuals with opioid use disorder. They stipulate that treatment courts do what is within their ability to make accessible all FDA-approved medications to treat addiction, as determined in consultation with the patient by a treating physician with expertise in addiction medicine.

Online MAT Training Via NADCP’s E-Learning Center

Developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, this online training educates treatment court professionals on MAT for substance use disorders with a primary focus on opioid use disorders.

MOUD Toolkit

Developed in collaboration with the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, this online training educates NADCP’s Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Toolkit for Treatment Courts provides practical resources for programs to implement systems to offer MOUD to their participants in a safe, legal, and scientifically sound manner. Download and read the toolkit, then download the appendices and adapt them for use in your treatment court program.

Online Naloxone Training

Developed in partnership with the Center for Opioid Safety Education at the University of Washington, this online training educates treatment court professionals, participants, families, and other stakeholders on the safe use of the overdose reversal medication naloxone. It will teach you how to spot the signs and risks of an overdose, what naloxone is and how it works to reverse an overdose, obtain the medication, train treatment court participants in its use, and more.

Naloxone Fact Sheet

Developed in partnership with the Center for Opioid Safety Education at the University of Washington, this Download our free practitioner fact sheet “Naloxone: Overview and Considerations for Drug Court Programs” to learn more about the overdose reversal medicine.

MAT Pocket Guides

Developed in partnership with the American Society of Addiction Medicine, these handy pocket guides are for treatment court clinicians, team members, and participants.


The pocket guide for clinicians is designed to help counselors and therapists working with participants refer and link participants to opioid treatment services in outpatient offices, clinics, and Opioid Treatment Programs.


Developed in partnership with the Center for Opioid Safety Education at the University of Washington, this Download our free practitioner fact sheet “NaloxoThe pocket guide for team members is intended for non-clinicians (e.g., judges, coordinators, attorneys, probation, case managers, peer mentors, recovery coaches, law enforcement) and describes how team members can support both the provider and those participants prescribed or considering MAT.


The pocket guide for participants is designed to educate clients who may be prescribed or considering MAT, as well as their families and support systems, including peer mentors, recovery coaches, and peer recovery specialists.

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