Steps YOU Can Take to Manage Anxiety and Depression in Recovery

Addiction is a unique disease in that it can be triggered in part by anxiety and depression, but it can also subsequently cause anxiety and depression during both active addiction and recovery. At Fellowship Hall we understand that when life beyond active addiction begins, those in recovery have to establish a true mental and emotional baseline in sobriety. Tal Fish, licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, and one of Fellowship Hall’s Extended Treatment Counselors says, “Patience is very important in the beginning. It won’t get better right away because the brain needs time to heal from the effects of active addiction. It may take some time for moods to improve.” 

However, there are steps that you can take each day to manage these mental health disorders and foster successful, long-term recovery. 

The disease feeds on feelings of isolation and loneliness. Tal highlights the importance of understanding that what you’re going through is valid: “Co-occurring disorders (when someone experiences a mental illness and a substance use disorder at the same time) are common with people with substance use disorders. Many people cope with both anxiety and depression in recovery. The first and most important thing I want people in recovery to know is that they’re not alone, again, this is not uncommon. A lot of people suffering from substance use disorders self-medicate to cope with these symptoms caused by underlying mental health disorders.” 

A crucial part of recovery is utilizing your support network. Allow yourself to open up in meetings and to your sponsor. Don’t be ashamed of your emotions. What you feel is valid and worth talking about with others. Chances are, someone else has experienced similar feelings during their own recovery. “There’s no shame in struggling with anxiety and depression. It is important to talk about how you feel and what you’re experiencing during recovery. Don’t be afraid to be honest about it and seek proper support,” Tal said. “Not addressing or tending to these emotions can be a relapse risk if they go un-managed.” Now, more than ever before, those in recovery have access to round-the-clock care and support via digital meeting platforms. Don’t forget to take a look at the resources on our website here:

Anxiety and depression can be all-consuming. If you’ve experienced these emotions, you know that they impact us physically just as much as they do mentally. Simple tasks can become difficult and it’s easy to slip into a pattern of poor habits when struggling with these emotions. You can combat this by setting small, achievable positive goals. These goals don’t have to be massive overhauls or major life changing events–these wellness goals can be as simple as taking a walk three times a week, attending a meeting each afternoon, or calling a good friend. Just reflect on what you can do today to feel your best. Strive after something you can achieve, so that you can enjoy the rewarding feeling of completing a goal and keeping a promise to yourself. 

That’s right TLC- tender, loving, (self) care! We know that if our body feels good, we most definitely feel much better. Some simple ways to practice self-care in recovery are:

While self-care isn’t the ultimate cure for mental health disorders, it can be used as an effective and positive coping strategy. Discovering ways that make each day manageable and as enjoyable as possible are important for long-term recovery. 

At Fellowship Hall, we’re working to constantly provide support and care both on-campus and digitally those in recovery. For more information, resources, and encouragement, ‘like’ the Fellowship Hall Facebook page and follow us on Instagram at @FellowshipHallNC.

Advantages of Residential Treatment Programs for Recovery Success
Featuring Fellowship Hall Clinical Director, Kelly Scaggs

A residential treatment program is defined as a live-in health care facility that provides therapy and aid for substance use disorder. Residential treatment programs also address and manage some of the health, mental illness, and behavioral issues that are caused by the disease. 

Outpatient treatment and counseling programs are also utilized as a measure of substance use disorder treatment. This includes intensive day programs, individualized drug counseling, and group counseling. While all forms of treatment are beneficial to those suffering with substance use disorder, residential treatment has significant advantages. 

It is a well-known adage in the recovery community that you cannot get well in the same place that you got sick. This is more pertinent now than perhaps ever before. Many impacted by substance use disorder are bound to their home due to the COVID19 shelter in place ordinance. While being home and having downtime is a haven for some, it can provoke challenges for those struggling with alcoholism and/or addiction. 

Triggering home environments, idle time, isolation, financial strain, stressors, and anxiety about the rapid changes in the world, feed and drive the disease. Fellowship Hall Clinical Director  Kelly Scaggs says that residential treatment programs can help combat some of these factors: “Anytime someone can come to residential treatment, it is advantageous because they are able to step out of their own environment into a new place that is completely recovery focused. Right now, you also have the advantages of personal interaction to combat isolation. 

Fears associated with stepping away from a career, friends, and family members often serve as obstacles between the individual and residential treatment. Kelly believes that “now is the perfect time to seek help as everyone has been asked to step away from their life because of the virus. This is the perfect time to seek treatment, get help, and come out of this current situation better than before.” 

Residential treatment provides individuals with an opportunity to focus exclusively on self-improvement and building their support network for life after treatment.  “This is one of the only times where folks can focus solely on what they need to do to heal themselves while also stepping into a huge support network,” Kelly says.

According to Kelly, the ideal way to establish long-term success in recovery is to build a solid foundation during residential treatment, progress to an intensive outpatient program, then move to outpatient treatment.

At Fellowship Hall, we have nearly 50 years of experience in helping individuals discover the path to recovery and build lasting support networks to help them maintain their recovery for the long-term. For more information about our programs and services, check our Treatment section on our website.

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