The NC Pregnancy and Opioid Exposure Project is an umbrella under which information, resources and technical assistance are disseminated regarding the subject of pregnancy and opioid exposure.
The project web site,, is hosted by UNC School of Social Work and is funded by the federal Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Fund (CFDA #93.959) as a project of the NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities & Substance Abuse Services.
For more information contact Melissa Godwin at
CMARC is a public health program that serves children from birth to five years of age who meet certain risk criteria, including opioid exposed pregnancy. The main goal of the program is to improve health outcomes working with families. The CMARC Program is a partnership between the NC Division of Public Health (DPH) and the NC Division of Health Benefits (DHB).
RI International is a global organization with more than 50 programs throughout the United States and abroad. Our services include crisis, outpatient, housing, community support teams, and more. Every RI site is founded on the RI Way of Safety, Peer-Powered, Engaged, and Performance. Safety always come first in all aspect of operations. Peer integration is the foundation of the RI Ways and is woven into the fabric of our company from leadership to direct supports in our community. Engagement is the omnipresent thread that recovery is possible in all that we do and is delivered by developing a partnership with our guests, communities and with the teamwork of our staff. Performance is created with exceptional care delivery with a systemic commitment to our processes creating accountability and driving quality improvement projects. We strive to deliver the fusion of clinical best practices, peer-delivered care, and to provide care to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
The Collegiate Recovery Community strives to bring recovery awareness to the forefront of SCC and our service area communities. The club seeks to bring students in recovery or recovery allies together in a welcoming safe environment; and we work to raise campus awareness towards recovery by reducing stigma related to addiction by offering educational seminars and related events/activities to get students involved in recovery.