Established by Governor Roy Cooper in June 2020, Public Safety Secretary Eddie Buffaloe Jr. and NC Supreme Court Associate Justice Anita Earls are leading the Task Force for Racial Equity in Criminal Justice (TREC), which consists of twenty-four members from a wide range of backgrounds.

The Task Force’s work focuses on addressing existing policies and procedures that disproportionately affect communities of color and developing solutions to ensure racial equity in North Carolina’s criminal justice system.

We, the Craven County Sheriff’s Office, exist to serve all people with respect, fairness, and sensitivity. Empowered by the community to protect the lives, property, and rights of all people and to enforce the law impartially by providing quality service in partnership with the community, we will strive to attain the highest degree of ethical behavior and professional conduct at all times. To fulfill its mission, the Craven County Sheriff’s Office is dedicated to providing a quality work environment and the development of its members through effective training and leadership.

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