1822-6 S Glenburnie Rd suite 204, New Bern, NC 28562, USA
Office Phone: (252) 772-4327
Crisis Line: 988
Genders Served: All Genders
Ages Served: Adolescents/Emerging Adults (14-19), 18+
Special Populations: Active military/veteran
To enhance the well-being of America's veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness. The American Legion's vision statement is "The American Legion: Veterans Strengthening America." The American Legion's value principles are as follows: selfless service, family and community engagement, advancing the vision, American values patriotism, veterans strengthening America, a veteran is a veteran, honoring those who came before us. VOICES OF THE LEGION - “We have that duty and obligation to continue to serve, as veterans. That’s kind of what we’re here for.”