February 26, 2021
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Your Library of Justice Innovations and Research

The ARK makes proven and promising programs accessible to your community 

NADCP, in partnership with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President, is proud to share the redesigned Annals of Research and Knowledge (ARK)!

The ARK is a searchable online database of evidence-based and promising programs that allows professionals to search for programs designed for justice-involved people at all stages. Each program is accompanied by relevant research and tools for application in your jurisdiction. Looking for a program to fit a specific population in your community? The ARK is your first stop!

Explore the ARK

More about the ARK

Because no justice intervention can work for everyone, programs in the ARK are cataloged according to both participant risk/need profiles and their stage of processing in the justice system. For example, if your jurisdiction is seeking programs suited for high-risk/high-need individuals at the pre-trial stage, you can search and find data on programs shown as proven or promising in other areas. 

Each program in the ARK details how the programs operate, research findings supporting their effectiveness and cost, their indicated target population, and best practices shown to enhance their outcomes. Users can download PDFs of program manuals and other supporting materials, as well as connect to relevant websites and libraries of governmental, scientific, and consumer organizations.

Not sure how the ARK fits your needs? Request training!

Users are also invited to nominate new programs for consideration of inclusion in the ARK. If you are aware of (or have created) a program that you would like to be considered, please visit the nomination form.

The post A Catalog of Justice Innovations appeared first on NADCP.org.