RAI State Task Force
We bring people together to solve problems.
The RAI TaskForce was born out of the incredible need we saw during our last Summit in September 2023. On the first day, we had small groups go through a series of questions about their local needs. The combination of the right people, in the right place, at the right time, made us realize we have an opportunity and obligation to organize.
What is the silo effect?
The silo effect limits the interactions between members of the community, thus leading to reduced productivity, cooperation, and the sharing of ideas and resources. At RAI, we know that the silo effect is not only inefficient, it's hurting our communities. Our call to action is to smash through these silos, and get folks talking that would under normal circumstances, never meet.
At the RAI Summit, a collection of recovery needs were shared and these needs were nearly universal across the state as areas of focus to promote and enhance recovery.
The RAI State Task Force Subcommittees
Make advancements and address aspects of each of these four focus areas in your county.
Peer Support
Creative Solutions
Our Plan
Subcommittees meet monthly to support resource linkage, the generation of ideas, and maintain project momentum.
The larger RAI State Task Force meets quarterly where project successes and barriers are shared across the task force. The group provides updates on their deliverables. These deliverables will be posted in RAI's Solutions Library because we want you to walk away from this process with solutions to advance and implement in your county.
Join us!
Sign up here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMZG46ifxxIpnDgztmkfYy3J55tdBimVMHTS1NFW3acoZIuA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Email Lizzy Benbow Toler at: lizzyb@recoveryall.org