MISSION: The HOPE Family Resource Center is a community center whose mission is to work in partnership with families and the community to provide support, information and education so that together we can build strong and healthy families.
There is no cost for the services provided.
Work First is North Carolina's Temporary Assistance for the Needy Families (TANF) program. This program assists families that are in a temporary financial crisis. The Work First program provides supportive services including job placement assistance, child care, and transportation assistance to aid families in achieving self-sufficiency. Work First provides financial assistance and medical assistance to needy families that meet state and federal requirements.
In response to the current opioid epidemic in this community, Craven County seeks a comprehensive multi-sector response with approaches that include prevention education, treatment, recovery, and enforcement strategies. In the summer of 2017. the Craven County Board of Commissioners knew it was time to address the opioid crisis in Craven County. They discussed a way forward to combat uncontrolled opioid usage and the resulting devastation to citizens, their families, and the vitality of Craven County.